Ask A Lawyer

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Apologies and Explanations from Askalawyer

It's been a very eventful eight months.

I won't bore you with details. Suffice it to say that, within a week of my August 2006 update, my father became quite ill. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his illness and died in November 2006. As you might expect, it has been a rather hectic and eventful period of time since then.

An unfortunate side effect of my dad's passing was the loss of the many, many emails folks had forwarded to me at Those questions were lost because, regretably, I did not check my emails for more than 60 days. As a result, purged my account and with it, all of your emails. (I say this only by way of explanation; did nothing wrong. I simply didn't check all of my email accounts in the aftermath of a rather devastating personal tragedy. I'm hopeful you understand my reasons why.)

I have reactivated that email account, and it is up and running once again. If you wish to Ask A Lawyer, please feel free to do so, at As always, I will do my best to get answers to you.

My apologies to those who were waiting, so patiently, for answers from me. Those questions you forwarded to my a now lost in cyberspace. If you wish to resend them, I will get to them as soon as I am able.

I appreciate your understanding, and all of the time that you folks have given me, by listening to my appearances on Rocky Allen's show, by emailing me your questions, and by visiting this blog. Thank you, and I hope you continue to visit.

David Kendall