Ask A Lawyer

Friday, August 25, 2006

Can I Still "Ask A Lawyer" and get a response?

I know there's a number of folks who've been wondering whether I'm still answering questions since I haven't updated this blog since April.

The answer is YES! I do get a fair number of questions in at, all of which I try to answer. Unfortunately, the time constraints imposed by my new job have limited my ability to update this blog as regularly as I've wanted to. Never fear, though; I'm going to get back to regular updates, and regular posts, now that I've more or less settled into a pretty good routine.

In the meantime, you can still email me your questions, and I'll email (and post) responses as quickly as I can.

And, of course, even if you don't have a question, you should still do two things regularly: 1) Check back at least once a week to see what's new here, and 2) Listen to The Rocky Allen Showgram everyday on WPLJ in New York every afternoon.

Thanks for stopping by.


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